
Pune race stewards were/are biased

Ciel Indienne has won the race on merit. Su chaliyo could not have beaten him inspite of having better form.It is reported by Mr. Vivek Jain that the Jockey has 'admitted'that he has tightened Su Chaliyo but it was NOT dangerous riding and while Sampson lost the whip , Su Chaliyo could cover only one Length over him in last 200m under hard riding with whip.

It is indeed laudable that stewards want fair racing but by 'selective' picks of few erring professionals and overlooking more blatant ,open infringements of some professionals they areconfirming their bias. The stewards of RWITC are a biased lot and are trying to kill racing in western India so that the the sport dies the natural death and these people can help the racecourse area grabbed by builders' lobby . Many of them are prominent owners in western India.

Everyone knows that RWITC has two main factions and they have not reconciled their differences which has seriously affected the horse racing in western India.The decrease in attendence and turnover over past few years,continuous increase in betting tax without any sincere or serious attempt by the club to reason out with state govt. is a manifestation of this infighting. However, if these 'men' can not find a better way to get even with their adverseries , they should not make a common punter a scapegoat to score a brownie point over others...

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