

Dear Mr . Gosavi ,
I tried to post it on your blog but due to its length it could not be accepted there, hence forced to post it here.
I would like to be civil with you though you have given no reason to be so, but for the last time I’ll ignore your remarks like babbler, stupid, incoherent and so on. I can assure you that without using any dirty, four -letter or abusive word I can also be very nasty with words, by using a very civilized language and format.
It is strange that a person Vasha writes at 6.55AM and you respond immediately, after 3 minutes only, at 6. 58 AM with a reply as if waiting for a response of that kind and to another anonymous letter at 11.44AM your response comes at 12.12 pm – 28 minutes later! You are certainly very sincere with some of your responders though selectively, and this must have made you very popular.
But I do have an issue with you. Your selections of words many times are wrong , inappropriate and misleading and shows lack of knowledge of the language you use . Example, Vasha says ‘ chanakya has abused you’ . Without knowing where and what abuse Chanakya has used you promptly reply within 3 minutes . though same Vasha fails to read –babble, babbler, stupid , incoherent etc. words used by you on a site , which perhaps he never visits – may be due to selective or filtered memory circuits ,very popular in electonics! Another example, take the word ‘lie’ which you have used has two entirely different meanings. What you perhaps meant, inferring from the context of your posting , was – to say or write something which is not true or to say some thing to deceive somebody ,etc.
What did I write about you , I’ll reproduce now – “Another point projected by a real expert was that the winner did better time in last furlong than the loser. Well, Dr. Watson, it is elementary because a runner who is 2 ½ lengths behind the leading runner at 200m has to move faster and better to catch and beat the leader and do better fraction to win the race! “. Is it an abuse,an accusation ,a lie or a truthful statement – I leave it for your readers to decide.

I thought you are a ‘real expert’ , but if you think otherwise I’ve no objection at all.

I’m sure you also know the difference between lie and lies and that brings us to another point – your statements only: ‘… does not mean I will let you get away with outright lies’
An amusing , provocative a bit uncivilized phrase or a statement without any substance . what lie or lies have you discovered in any of the statements made by me – could you explicitly bring out for the benefit of your readers…
To quote you verbatim :

"It is a matter of conjecture why Set Alight on this occasion, despite racing in leisurely pace, could not produce three sub-12s in the last four furlongs. The reasons, generally, are lack of class, health or stamina. Since we all know Set Alight is stuffed with class every ounce, it could be either health or stamina.If it is health, she may not race for a long time now; if it is stamina, we will have to wait for confirmation until she runs 12 furlongs or more against worthy rivals.
what is class? How you define it , how you prove it she is ‘stuffed with class’. Set Alight(rating 117) beats in 2m 28.8 seconds –Icebreaker(108),D Dynamite(113) etc. and gets beaten by Antonios(72). Is your statement true or a lie? Health is another point raised by you- she did 17 tracks in 30 days adding up to 27 kilometers+ before participating in Derby . Is it a lie that she literally ran a mile every alternate day to show that she did not have a health problem. She ran a 2400m race in 2m 28.8 s breaking the course record of earlier Derby runners – is this fact also a lie?

‘A new dimension is being added…’ . You raise a issue of health after 4 months of her defeat and want everyone to believe , without any iota of proof and want everyone to believe. You are fond of asking others to check up before they write anything – did you check up with , Pessi, Malesh(included), Zeyen Mirza or Vijay Mallya before you ‘ wrote this phrase’ . I’ll not impute any motive to you for using this phrase. I’ll also not call it a lie but let it lie where it is .
Then what is the lie? Where does it lie or exists - please find out and let your readers know about it. Furthermore ,Could you produce the data of last 4 or 5 Derby winners who have done sub 12s times to win the race. You have facility to find out split fractional times, algorithm software to analyse some or all ( I’m not sure) parameters and is in a much better position than me to help out your friends, readers and admirers . I’m sure you will not disappoint them.