
tips,tipsters and critics

Horseracing is a game of skill…Finding a winner of a race needs evaluation of many factors…More factors you include in your analysis better should be the result…How many punters (gamblers) have time, patience to follow these basicprinciples…Very few, but they are quick to blame everyone – tipster, jockey,trainer and owner…I am an occasional punter and a casual tipster-but was neither a jockeyor a trainer or a ownerI have read many postings on this subject, repeated with regular frequency by free-loaders on various racing sites, about free tips ,tipsters failed tips, wild tips(and their occasional success) and realized that a tipster is always held in ridicule by these so calledsmarty Jones…Why?Most of the tipsters are smalltime race aficionados who graduallygraduate to this position from humble beginnings and therefore,most of these smart gamblers take their opinions as a `necessary evil' andrely more on `khabar 'and blame the tipster if their `forecast or prediction'fails… they don't have guts to blame the `khabri'….But what is a tip ?A tip is a personal assessment/opinion about the winning chance ofa runner in a race.It can be right and of course it may be wrong…But who is a tipster ?A person who with sufficient/insufficient expertise/knowledge provides theassessment/opinion…And who is a punter ?A person with money( hard earned/borrowed/black) and wants to makeit grow - fast…But they are of 2 types…1) few- very few- who know horseracing, handicapping, anduse `khabar' to their advantage…they are privileged…ordinarypunter can not compete with them…2) the majority- called’ public’, constituting the majority of punters are those who buy a race book before entering a racecourse and dream of winning a fortune…they are the backbone of horseracing…this, kind/category of punters are those who depend on tips, followtipsters and blame them when they lose…they pay peanuts and desire toown thoroughbreds instead of monkeys… (said by a thoroughbredbreeder )…but what's the truth ?IN early1970's a tipster, by the name – Galloper , used to chargeRs.20/- for a day's tip….gold was Rs 250/10gm. and real estate flats were sold at Rs.50/ toRs. 70/- per sq.ft. at Andheri(Mumbai)… today gold is sold at Rs.14,000/-per10 gm. and the minimum rate per sq.ft. at Andheri is Rs. 7000/-… atipster( say VM Dalal) still charges Rs.50/- for a day's tipwhile one of his predecessor charged Rs.20/- in 1970- 39 years back…what is that which most of these critics on a free forum want from a tipster or a blogger? By paying peanuts they want to own an empire-perhaps. Not monkeys??Not convinced ? OK …let me give you a real life example…Few years back, to be exact and to the point ,during 2003 Puneracing season ,RWITC in a rare show of wisdom announced a prizefor the best tipster of a PARTICULAR DAY… the announcement wasmade on 10th. raceday in September2003 and the 18th. raceday inOctober was the D day. I have written an article earlier onthis subject few years back and will not repeat it but will present only thesalient points…for details you may refer to my old posting on IR.com(not available now)…The study was carried out in the following way…The tipsters selected were from Mumbai and they were …1)Cole race card tipster 2)Cole track reporter3)Money Spinner 4)LuckySpinner 5)Times of India. I could not include others as I did not have data about them. TO EVALUATE ONLY THEIR FIRST CHOICE WAS CONSIDEREDthe prize money was a whopping Rs. 100,000/-On 10th.day ( the day of announcement of the prize) theirperformance was…COLE--COLE TR…MONEY SPINNER…LUCKY SPINNER...TIMES OF INDIAOn 10th. day the return on betting on their FIRST choicewas as follows-20 ……..-26 …………+ 12…………………-8…………………-16but after declaration of prize, their selections improved and on18th. day the return-16………-23………….+18………………….+6………………..-36except TOI every other tipsters ROI has improved inanticipation of winning the bumper prize..After the prize was won by Gujrat Samachar tipster, theperformance of ALL the above tipsters went down…what does it prove ? pay peanuts – get monkeys…
To quote a punch-line from the ‘bai’ of a TV channel ( [ V ] )
‘itne paise may itnaich milenga’

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